Thursday, November 29, 2012

November to Remember!

I received a message from Sandy L. of The Fiverr Team about three days ago that I will be able to offer Gig Extras up to $40. With this, I should think of an extra service worth $40 that could be easily added by buyers to my regular gig. This opens up more opportunities for me to earn more for me and my family. I suddenly remembered how happy I was to receive messages from them in the past that notified me about every promotion that I received.

"Holy cowabunga! You’ve just become a Level 1 Seller on Fiverr"‏
"It's a Bird...It's a Plane... It’s Fiverr Level 2 Seller!‏"

My Fiverr Profile Rating and Level

These promotions, together with every positive feedback that I receive from my clients and buyers, continues to empower me and serve as my inspiration to deliver better service to my clients as a virtual assistant.

Five over Five in Italki
From 4.8 to 4.9 to perfect 5.0, again!

I was also able to redeem myself as an English as a Second Language (ESL) tutor at Italki.
Thank you to my loyal students who were also very supportive and attends and cooperates with our discussions.
I struggled last month because it's just my second month using this second profile. Some technical problems happened too, and that made a former student leave 4 as my rating and it lead to a 0.2 drop on my overall rating. On the brighter side, by consistently getting fives from my students this month pushed me back to a perfect average rating.

Italki Completed sessions, number of students and  rating.

Before this month ends, I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to all of my students, clients, buyers and friends who were there along the way to give me support and advices. Thank you! -ratedKG

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